Individual exhibition of the Italian artist Ruggero Maggi at the HOTEL DADA Gallery

Kicking off its exhibition schedule for this year, the HOTEL DADA art gallery, from Argentina, will be presenting an individual exhibition by the Italian artist Ruggero Maggi starting next March 17.
The show, entitled The Project is the Art, is the first that the gallery has dedicated to a solo exhibition. Ruggero Maggi is recognized as one of the greatest global referents of the mail art movement, and organizer and curator of various international projects. His practice within mail art, of special interest to the Argentine gallery, travels along a path of profound humanism and commitment to the defense of causes associated with social, political, and ecological injustices.
Thus, of great relevance, among others, are projects such as Amazon must live around the ecological preservation of this area of the world (of which the exhibition includes a series of artists), and Tibet Pavilion, aimed at raising awareness about the historical situation of oppression in Tibet and that it was presented in more editions from 2011 parallel to the Venice Biennial.
The exhibition show works in copy art, artistamps, visual poetry, artist’s books, video art and mail art, offering a wide panorama of the different artistic modalities developed by Maggi.
Conceived and founded in January 2020 by the artists Silvio De Gracia and Ana Montenegro, HOTEL DADA is a gallery specialized in mail art and experimental poetry. It is located in the city of Junín, in the province of Buenos Aires, and from there it is projected as an exhibition space, documentation and research center. Through its publishing label “HOTEL DADA editor” the gallery is also oriented to the edition and distribution of magazines, artists’ books, postcards, booklets, visual poetry publications, mail art and diverse experiences of expanded editions.
Muestra 1: Ministro de Cultura de CABA, Enrique Avogadro, acompañado por la Directora de Cultura de Junín, Agustina Barbosa, y la Secretaria de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Junín, Agustina de Miguel.
Muestra 4 y 5: Visita del poeta y artista visual Rubén Américo Liggera.
Muestra 6 y 7: Visitas de la poeta Nancy Cánepa, la pintora Sandra Pintos y la actriz y música Corina Markart.
According to its curatorial profile, HOTEL DADA is committed to the dissemination, exhibition and theoretical production around expressions considered marginal, understanding the marginal as an aesthetic-political category. The intention is to contribute to the recognition and positioning of alternative manifestations, such as artists’ stamps, assembled magazines, rubberstamps, object-poems, artist’s books, sticker art, artistic posters, visual poetry, videopoem, action poetry, phonetic and sound poetry, collages, photocopy-art, among many other proposals that expand the limits of the visual arts.
The Ruggero Maggi show marks the beginning of a series of exhibitions that the gallery will be dedicating to great exponents of mail art and experimental poetry. It starts on March 17 and can be visited until May 20.
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HOTEL DADA Base de Arte Correo y Poesía Experimental
Chávez 69, Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Director/founder: Silvio De Gracia Artistic
Director/designer: Ana Montenegro
Learn more at Meta+Verse