Mail Art Networking
contact, document & exchange – mail art projects world wide in the net & web.

M.A.D. & GAC – MAIL ART DAY 2024
On the occasion of the M.A.D. Mail Art Day 2024 project, two events will be held at MAM Museum of Modern Art and Mail Art in Montecarotto (AN) and at Musinf Museum of Information in Senigallia, curated respectively by Ruggero Maggi and Stefano Schiavoni.
Affluenses from Tchello d’Barros
“Affluenses” of Tchello d’Barros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: 10 Visual Poems, Digital draw, Monochromatic B&W, Print on Fine Art, 30 X 30 cm.
CO*PRO Jürgen O. Olbrich + Hans Braumüller
M.A.D. – Mail Art Day 2023
Mail Art, this unknown… Cinderella, but at the same time a thorn in the side of Contemporary Art, Mail Art has shuffled the cards and attempted to undermine, and in some cases even succeeded, the so-called official system – artwork.
INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT BY RUGGERO MAGGI IN COLLABORATION WITH SACS AND THE DYNAMIC MUSEUM OF MAIL ART IN QUILIANO (SV) “To help the Ukraine it means to work for peace”Mario Draghi, May, 3rd 2022 – European Parliament – Strasbourg On Saturday, May 28th 2022, at 5 p.m. the UKRAINE PAVILION will open. An International Mail Art project curated by Ruggero Maggi, in collaboration with SACS and Dynamic Museum of…
Individual exhibition of the Italian artist Ruggero Maggi at the HOTEL DADA Gallery Kicking off its exhibition schedule for this year, the HOTEL DADA art gallery, from Argentina, will be presenting an individual exhibition by the Italian artist Ruggero Maggi starting next March 17. The show, entitled The Project is the Art, is the first that the gallery has dedicated to a solo exhibition. Ruggero Maggi is recognized as one…
Mail Art In Cyberspace – Chuck Welch
We network all web-lines of communication celebrating individuality, diversity, and tolerance without oligarchies, arbitrage, or boundaries and walls.
Table of contents of Meta+Verse The encounter of Maggi and BraumüllerMail art poetry Meta+VerseTRUER THAN NATURE by Pierre Restany The encounter of Hans Braumüller and Ruggero Maggi Along the eternal path of art, beyond the works created, there remain trails of friendship that emerge from encounters of souls in the search for the noblest ideals of achieving a more just society and happier people. Especially, in mail art whose principles…
International Mail Art project dedicated to Guglielmo Achille Cavellini On Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 5:00 p.m., the exhibition of Mail Art “MASK OVER THE MASK” will be inaugurated, organized by Ruggero Maggi, Gianni Romeo, Lucia Spagnuolo and Pier Roberto Bassi. …
Since 2016, the Municipality of Casalmaggiore has been proposing the annual Stupor mundi review which intends to promote knowledge of various countries cultural aspects around the world. In 2021, the United States are this event’s protagonists and thus the Diotti Museum has chosen to present a core of works by American mail artists, taken from the artist Ruggero Maggi’s Mail Art Archive.
Artist Matter – Mail Art & Visual Poetry Zine
Artist Matter is a Hans Braumüller networking art project about Mail Art and Visual Poetry. The zine Artist Matter #1 was published and released on 23 November 2019 at Nachladen, St. Pauli, Hamburg.
Documentation of Networking art projects
Crosses of the Earth
A hommage to indigenous people installed and inaugurated with a Mapuche Ceremony at Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago de Chile, January 2000, within the International Encounter of Arts and Indigenous Culture organized by CONACIN, Chile.
Operation Mankind
An ADD, ALTER & RETURN Mail Art Project by Hans Braumüller with 67 participants from 21 countries. This mail art project was exhibited in the Art Hall of the hospital LBK Hamburg from 29. October 2003 until 20. February 2004.
Exquisite Corpse
An e-mail collaborative work by Elias Adasme, Hans Braumüller, Clemente Padin and Humberto Nilo. Taking as its structural reference the collective drawings made by the surrealists artists which they called “exquisite corpses”, this proposal is launched, as a tribute to not only the vanguardists of the beginnings of the century, but also the experimental artists of all ages.
Archive of Mail Art Forums
Exchange and share your Mail Art! Communication is our message!
Since 1th of June, 2018 these mail art message boards are read only archive, after running more than 20 years, serving the mail art community.
Pinochet, Justice and Humberto Nilo
Some documentation and information about the first AUMA Urgent, Mail Art Action.
AUMA was a group of mail artists united in a sufficiently significant and urgent humanitarian, social and ecological issues, proposing initiatives and supporting those of others.
An ADD, ALTER & RETURN Mail Art Project. This project was shown as a part of an exhibition of Hans Braumüller,
from December 2002 until March 2003 at Gallery C15, Hamburg, Germany
Port of Mail Art Gallery 98
Braumüller and Merlin showed this project 1998, during 24 hours in the old tunnel under the Elbe river in Hamburg, Germany in the context of an art event ELB´ART 98. More than 10.000 people enjoyed the mail art of hundreds of participants.
Reeperbahn Mail Art Show 97
Braumüller and Merlin send an old image from the red light district “Reeperbahn” of St. Pauli, Hamburg, in 1996? and ask the invited artists to alter the image and return it back to them. They exhibited this project 1997, during 24 hours in the old tunnel under the Elbe river, Hamburg, Germany, in the context of ELB´ART 97.
More than 10.000 people enjoy the mail art of hundreds of participants.
Crosses.Net is maintained by Hans Braumüller
Hans Braumüller´s Contemporary Art
- Signs of Time: Virtual & Visual Poetry
- Mail Art Networking Projects, Painting, Visual and Virtual Poetry, biographical information and references other websites from him and others, where his artwork is being shown.
- + Painting at braumü
- Visual poetry for a collection in AK Barmbek Hospital, Hamburg
This is the online version, they get a digital print from the latest state of each animation - Old artist homepage since 1996:
- Painting and net poetry:
- Political artist project in Germany: